Membership Application

Applications for our 2025 GCYO Program are now closed!

Gold Coast Youth Orchestra (GCYO) provides a broad range of orchestral and band experiences to complement and enhance the ensemble offerings musicians receive in schools, and includes weekly rehearsals, tutorials and performances each term.

GCYO offers a unique experience for young musicians; an offering not readily duplicated. Membership and placement into one or more ensembles is completed anually where applicants download the applicable musical excerpt, upload their audition video which are then scrutinised by an independant panel of professionals.

Young musicians aged from 8 to 25 years are invited to apply.  Please email if you are intested in applying during the current season.

Privacy Statement

Gold Coast Youth Orchestra is collecting the information contained in this Application Form for the purpose of processing your child’s application to the Gold Coast Youth Orchestra and for the ongoing administration of our members.  If you choose not to provide the requested personal information, we may not be able to process your child’s application.

The personal information collected is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, unless we are authorised or required by law to disclose the information.

For more information about how Gold Coast Youth Orchestra handles your personal information read our Privacy Policy.

Audition Information – Group/s and instrument/s

Please READ these instructions carefully as the Application Process has changed from previous years:

  • Please enter all personal details of the auditioning member, including uploading a clear head shot of the player.
  • Please select the Instrument for which you wish to audition.
  • Please nominate the Group(s) for which you wish to apply.
  • For more information on each ensemble, please visit the individual Group Pages: Youth Symphony, GCYO 2, Chamber Orchestra, String Orchestra, Big Band, Big Band 2
  • When considering the group(s) for which to audition, consider how your ability matches the requirements of each ensemble.
  • The Audition will require the applicant to prepare the Set Excerpts (to be released online at the designated date), plus 1 x own choice piece/ excerpt of up to 2 minutes maximum.
  • If you wish to Audition the SAME instrument for both Orchestra and Band e.g. Trumpet for both YS and BB, you will be required to pay for two auditions ($40 x 2 = $80 Total) using the SAME form.
  • To audition on TWO separate instruments e.g. Violin (GCYO2 or CO) and Saxophone (BB2), OR Double Bass (YS) and Drumkit (BB), you will be required to FILL in SEPARATE FORMS.
  • If for example, you wish to audition for YS on violin but would accept placement in another group (dependent on vacancy, ie. GCYO2 or CO / SO if your first choice is unsuccessful), please indicate your preference on the application form. 


Audition Fee 

  • An Audition Fee of $40.00 PER AUDITION applies.
  • Payment is by Credit Card online upon Audition Application Form Submission.
  • Uploaded audition videos will only be accepted and reviewed upon receipt of Payment.
  • If you are experiencing financial difficulty or require assistance, please contact us at:

*Please note: Audition Fees and Membership Fees are Non-Refundable due to the effort required to organise both events.