Code of Conduct

Child Protection Statement

As an organisation dedicated to children, teenagers and young adults, it is critical that at, all times, personal and online behaviour demonstrate respect for the dignity of each person. In keeping with the Child Protection Act 1999[1] , the GCYO Policy asserts that the welfare and best interests of children are paramount and that all children have a right to protection from harm.

Policy on GCYO Reputation

GCYO has a policy on private, out-of-GCYO activities, where these activities reflect on GCYO’s reputation. Any private activity of our members that detracts or calls into question GCYO ethos or values which form the foundation of GCYO, will attract a swift and clear response from GCYO. This response may include disciplinary action such as verbal or written reprimand, caution, warning, suspension, refusal of entry to GCYO premises and/ or termination of membership.

This policy includes any web-based or online activity. It includes misuse of mobile phones and other similar devices or services. It may be read to include other activities not specifically mentioned in this policy, but which could reasonably fall within its scope. The policy applies even if the activity is out of GCYO hours, off GCYO’s premises, on weekends or during holidays and particularly if it occurs immediately following or preceding a GCYO-organised event.


The Gold Coast Youth Orchestra is committed to encouraging a safe, supportive, welcoming, respectful and productive environment for all. To this end, GCYO and its members must uphold the following:

  • behave honestly and with integrity in the course of all GCYO activity
  • act with care and diligence in the course of all GCYO activity
  • treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and without harassment
  • no GCYO member is to step outside the boundary of their formal role
  • disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid any conflict of interest, real or apparent
  • not make improper use of inside information or use of duties, status, power or authority in order to gain, or seek to gain, a benefit or advantage for the individual or for any other individual
  • at all times behave in a way that upholds GCYO Values and the integrity and good reputation of GCYO

Providing a safe and welcoming environment can only occur when everyone cooperates and agrees to reasonable, expectable and suitable standards of conduct. The following are acts which GCYO considers unacceptable.  Any GCYO member found engaging in these acts will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include verbal or written reprimand, caution, warning, suspension, refusal of entry to GCYO premises and/ or termination of membership:

  • wilfully damaging, destroying or stealing property belonging to fellow members or GCYO
  • using any GCYO property for personal gain without permission of GCYO
  • wilfully and publicly damaging the reputation and or credibility of GCYO, its members and or its affiliates
  • engaging in disorderly conduct
  • refusing to follow specified job descriptions
  • refusing to follow or failing to carry out reasonable instructions
  • using threatening or abusive language towards a fellow GCYO members
  • using obscene language
  • bullying of any kind including verbal, physical or cyber
  • smoking contrary to established policy or violating any fire protection regulation
  • being late or taking unexcused/unapproved absences from GCYO
  • not taking proper care of, neglecting or abusing GCYO equipment or GCYO instruments or GCYO property
  • using GCYO property and or equipment in an unauthorised manner
  • possessing firearms or weapons of any kind on GCYO property or at any GCYO venue
  • engaging in any commercial activity at any GCYO venue and or function without approval
  • accessing the GCYO database or records for any purpose without approval

Consequence of Breach

Any breach of policies will result in prompt administrative action. Any GCYO member found engaging in these acts will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include verbal or written reprimand, caution, warning, suspension, refusal of entry to GCYO premises and or termination of membership and or services. GCYO members may also be personally liable for offences under Commonwealth and, or State and Territory legislation.


Social Media

The GCYO recognises the importance of social media as a powerful communication tool and recognises that participation in online communities is a basic individual right. Social Networking Sites (SNS) as defined in this Policy includes, but is not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Linkedin. It also includes instant messaging (SMS), geospatial tagging capable sites such as Instagram and video or photo sharing websites such as YouTube.

The GCYO has a responsibility to manage its reputation and protect its members. The official online presence of the GCYO is carefully managed by authorised and selected persons with the appropriate skill, knowledge and training to properly and effectively participate in social media online for the purpose of managing the online presence of the GCYO. Only persons authorised by the Management Committee are permitted to cause official information to be published on the internet, including through social media sites.

The GCYO recognises that members may participate in social media in their personal time and respects that what its members do in their personal time is their own affair. However, if during their participation in social media activity, a GCYO member reference their association with the GCYO, or make comments or include content about the GCYO, or any affiliated person or any of their affairs, they are required to adhere to the GCYO Code of Conduct.

In support of the Code of Conduct, the purpose of this social media policy is to provide direction on the acceptable use of social media as defined by the GCYO. The policy differentiates between online community sites and personal SNS sites and focuses on the latter.


The principles of this policy are:

  • applies to all GCYO members when identifying themselves on SNS as having an association with the GCYO or its affiliates, or that association is apparent.
  • conductors will not have or establish direct one-to-one relationships with any currently enrolled performing member through SNS.
  • members over the age of 18-years are accountable under law for their actions with members under age 18-years on SNS.
  • when using Social Media and SNS, all members are to exercise sound judgement and common sense and must give careful consideration to what they are saying, particularly when the information is relevant to their involvement in the GCYO or identifies their association with the GCYO. Where the information is relevant to their involvement with the GCYO, all members must adhere to the GCYO Code of Conduct.


Where members do not apply this policy, members may be held responsible for online conduct where conduct harms or has the potential to harm the reputation or interests of the GCYO and its members or its affiliates. The GCYO appreciates that when members participate in online communities they may witness a suspected breach of this policy or negative, disparaging or inaccurate content about a GCYO member or its affiliates. These matters are to be brought to the attention of the GCYO Management Committee immediately via email or telephone 07 5597 2640.

The GCYO or its affiliates or delegates may audit its networks and systems and review social media platforms periodically to monitor compliance with this policy. The GCYO stipulates that members should recognise the potential for damage to be caused (either directly or indirectly) to the GCYO and possibly other client groups in certain circumstances through personal use of social media, particularly where that person can be identified as a GCYO member. Therefore, it is critical that users of social media be aware of the risks and ensure that any risk of damage or detriment is minimised. Individuals are responsible for the content published on personal social media platforms and should operate within heightened privacy and security settings.

Therefore, GCYO employees, independent contractors, Management Committee, Conductors, Group Volunteers/Administrators, tutors and Members should not:

  • post material that is, or might be construed as, threatening, harassing, bullying, discriminatory or disparaging towards another Member of the GCYO
  • post material that is fraudulent, embarrassing, sexually explicit, profane, obscene, racist, sexist, intimidating, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate or unlawful
  • imply that the member is authorised to speak on behalf of the GCYO, or give the impression that their views are those of the GCYO
  • use or disclose any confidential information or personal information obtained in their capacity as a member of the GCYO.

Consequence of Breach

Any breach of policies will result in prompt administrative action. Any GCYO member found engaging in these acts will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include verbal or written reprimand, caution, warning, suspension, refusal of entry to GCYO premises and/ or termination of membership and/ or services. GCYO members may also be personally liable for offences under Commonwealth and, or State and Territory legislation.

Updated 1/3/2021