GCYO Committee 2022
President, Paul Stevens
Paul Stevens comes from a family of performers. When he was 8 years old he was the world’s youngest professional magician having travelled the world 4 times performing before the age of 12. Paul went on to a very successful career as a Radio Announcer in Australia with Triple M and Southern Cross Austereo. Later in life he created a major Marketing Company in Sydney and for many years serviced some of the biggest names in advertising in Australia.
7 years ago Paul moved with his family from Tokyo, Japan, where they had been living, to the Gold Coast and built the largest used RV Dealership in Queensland. Another hat that he wears is as a Professional Photographer/Videographer with many clients including DFAT.
Paul brings new blood into GCYO as its President. One of his main goals is to bring more attention to what we do here with the children. To update our online profile and to secure major sponsorships to help us move into the future and beyond.
Director of Music, Bruce Davidson, BMus, GDipEd, ATCL
Bruce Davidson is in his 40th year of association with Gold Coast Youth Orchestra. He was on the staff of The Southport School as Head of Orchestral Studies (1989-2002) and Coordinator of Strings (until 2014). From 2016, he is the String Coordinator at Trinity Lutheran College. In addition, he has taught in state and private schools in primary, secondary and tertiary environments and has been on the staff of the Young Conservatorium. Bruce gained a Bachelor of Music from the Queensland Conservatorium. He holds an Associate Diploma in Violin from Trinity College London and a Grad DipEd from Griffith University. Bruce was part of the Queensland Youth Orchestra program for 12 years including 3 years in the Queensland Youth Symphony under Dr John Curro. As a member of this orchestra, Bruce toured Japan, China, Hong Kong and New Zealand. He is currently a violin tutor with QYO and conducted QYO 3 in 2019.
Bruce has conducted orchestras on tour throughout Japan, England, France, Belgium, Australia and New Zealand for The Southport School and the Gold Coast Youth Orchestra, and Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic for “Sumire no Kai” (Japanese Suzuki Orchestra). He has performed on soundtracks for Australian movies and television and has been Musical Director for productions including “Jesus Christ Superstar” and “Dolly” for the Gold Coast Arts Centre. He is a member of the Music Arrangers Guild of Australia and has prepared music for the Symphony Australia Orchestras, movies and television. Prominent Australian composers including Brian May, Richard Mills, Vincent Plush, Colin Brumby, Andrew Schultz and Felix Meagher, have used his work in premieres in Australia and the United States.
Vice-President, Tim Bradley
Treasurer, Kim Stark
Kim was a member of the Youth Symphony as a Viola player from 2006-2009 and the Wind Orchestra on Clarinet from 2006-2008. Touring with the Youth Symphony to Japan in 2006 cemented her passion for the world of opportunities and experience the Gold Coast Youth Orchestra can provide their performing members. While performing with GCYO, Kim also spent 7 years as a member of the Queensland Youth Symphony under the direction of John Curro.
Kim is looking forward to being involved in the development and support of our next generation of musicians through the Youth Orchestra program.
Secretary, John Whale
John commenced his musical journey during his school years playing trumpet in Grafton Youth Orchestra and various community marching bands. Moving from Sydney to the Gold Coast, John commenced volunteering with GCYO in 2020 when his son Colby joined the Big Band ensembles playing Electric Bass and then the Youth Symphony on Double Bass. John plays a pivotal role on the Management Committee as well as working closely with the big bands coaching players alongside our wonderful conductors.
John takes every opportunity to organise performance opportunities for our wonderful players locally on the Gold Coast and further afield, promoting the mantra “GCYO plays a pivotal role in promoting music education and performance opportunities for aspiring musicians on the Gold Coast”.
General Member, Kay Cabale
Kay Cabale became involved with Gold Coast Youth Orchestra in 1981 through the presence of her three daughters and her own involvement in playing the double bass. When Bruce Davidson became Musical Director in the late eighties, the Youth Orchestra went on tours to Northern NSW, Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Tasmania, New Zealand and Japan. Using her skills as a Teacher (in Special Education) and as Group Administrator, Kay cared for all the musicians’ needs, including musical, physical, emotional and medical requirements.
Since retiring from teaching in 2016, Kay has acquired another role as a Volunteer with the Australian Red Cross, manning the phones to assist socially isolated people throughout Queensland. Kay remains the G.A. of the Youth Symphony, assisting the musicians, Conductor and parents every Friday evening at rehearsals and concerts.
Kay brings to Gold Coast Youth Orchestra a passion for orchestral music and assisting young musicians. She has a wide knowledge of musical repertoire and, through observing her daughters’ violin playing and her own involvement in playing double bass and percussion, assists young musicians in increasing their musical skills.
General Member, Anna Foran
Anna is an alumnus member of GCYO who completed her AMusA for violin in 2015. She has been involved with the Youth Symphony as a performing member from 2013-2019. As a concert mistress for four of these years, she guided not only the string section, but led the entire orchestra. Anna has continuously assisted the Youth Symphony with musical skills and administrative duties.
Anna is a violin tutor and a speech pathologist working with clients of all ages and allied health professionals. She uses her experience communicating with a range of people to develop their confidence both musically and formative years. Anna regularly volunteers her time to the Youth Symphony across all areas and strives to promote the development of this organisation.
General Member, Sophia Jin
General Member, Melanie Fell
General Member, Virginie Donnelly